Initial investment fee
Initial investment fee is calculated by taking 0.06% of the investment volume at the time of investment opening.
For example, you open an investment order with an investment volume at the time of investment opening of 1000 USDT. Investment opening fee = 0.06% * 1000 = 0.6 USDT
Close fee
Close fee is calculated by taking 0.06% of the investment volume at the time of investment closing
For example, you close an inventment with an investment volume at the time of closing of 1200 USDT. Investment fee = 0.06% * 1200 = 0.72 USDT
Maintenance fee
You will pay Maintenance fees when your investments move in line with the general market movement
For example: When the market increases and you open an investment in the upward direction (LONG), you will pay a Maintenance fee
However, you will receive this fee back when your investment moves against market developments
For example: When the market increases and you open an investment in the downward direction (SHORT), you will receive Maintenance fees
Please be aware that Maintenance fee will be included in the investment profit or loss once the investor closes the investment.
Maintenance fees are calculated and collected 3 times a day, at 7:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. each day UTC+7.
Liquidation fee
CoinSavi does not charge liquidation fees. However, the liquidation price of your investments may be worse than the market price to ensure the safety and stability of the market. Please manage your risks to avoid liquidation.